To my dearest,
While I am staying away from you I experienced a deep love for you. My heart is full of gratitude and affection,I wish I could embrace you and let you know how much you mean to me and how much I miss you. It seems that sometimes distance creates closeness, absence creates presence, loneliness creates community! I felt my whole being , body, mind and spirit, yearning to give and receive love without condition, without fear, without reservation. Why should I ever think or say something that is not love? Why should I ever hold a un-forgiveness and feel miserable? Why not always give and forgive , encourage and empower, give thanks and offer praise? why not?
I thank God for opening my eyes to see my beloved one from different angle . I pray that I can be the one who always support him and pray for him unceasingly. God, help us to fix our eyes on you and live according your will ~